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We would like to get as many photos as we can of the first 3 generations of Normans if possible.  


Additional photos of the family can be shared at


Norman Family Tree Summary

William and Catherine Norman had a son named Robert S. Norman.


Robert S. Norman and Bettie (Ball) Norman got married in 1866 and had about 15 children. Their daughter Mary Norman married John Beverly and they had four children (Minnie "Ada", Henrietta, Jenny B. and Eugene). 


This is a picture of John Beverly and his daughter Minnie "Ada" (Beverly) George.  Minnie "Ada" married Joseph George. They had one son, Ralph George Sr.​


William and Catherine Norman had a son named Robert S. Norman.


Robert S. Norman and Bettie (Ball) Norman got married in 1866 and had about 15 children. Their daughter Nina Norman married Thomas Ware.  Nina and Thomas Ware had 10 children (Tina, Clarence, Cora, Lizzy, Rose, Thomas, Robert, Emma, Charles, Bessie).

Nina Norman's sister Alice Norman was also involved with Thomas Ware (not married).  Alice Norman and Thomas Ware had a daughter named Teenie Norman.

William and Catherine Norman had a son named Robert S. Norman.


Robert S. Norman and Bettie (Ball) Norman had about 15 children. Their names were John, Mary, Woodson, Nina, Robert, Jennie, Hattie, Virginia, Allie or Alice, Cordelia, Ollie, Ashbury, Thomas, Annie, and Henry.


Thanks for coming to the October 2012 reunion. Next Reunion will be in 2014 in Virginia.


Click here for more on the Beverly Family tree​

​Norman Reunion Committee Member:

Dana (George) Wilson



William and Catherine Norman had a son named Robert S. Norman.

Robert Norman and Bettie (Ball) Norman got married in 1866 and had about 15 children. Their daughter (Virginia Norman Travis Cooper) married Howard Travis and had three children (Dorothy, Elmer and Ester). Virginia later married Wesley Cooper and had seven children (Virgie, John, Clinton, Arleta, Marjorie, Ernestine, and James).

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